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School Uniform Policy & Guidelines

The Saint Theresa School uniform policy promotes discipline, decorum, and equality amongst all students. It develops and reinforces a sense of pride, both in the school and in the appearance of the individual. It also serves to limit distractions in the classroom. The Saint Theresa School uniform helps to instill in each child the recognition that he or she is an integral part of the school community, while also enhancing the positive image of Saint Theresa School in the wider community. Saint Paul writes in 1 Corinthians that the “body is a temple of the Holy Spirit.” With this understanding, Saint Theresa School seeks to foster the Christian virtues of modesty, obedience, responsibility, and orderliness through the implementation of this uniform policy.

Boys Dress Code


Saint Theresa School students are expected to be well-groomed. Shirts must be tucked into pants at all times. Uniforms should be clean and pressed.

Boys Dress Code


Saint Theresa School students are expected to be well-groomed. Skirts and jumpers must come to the knee or below the knee and should be clean and pressed. Shirts must be tucked into skirts at all times.

French Toast

Shop by school: Saint Theresa School
Shop by school code: QS49GD

Lands End

Shop by school: Saint Theresa School

Shop by school code: 900200833

Spirit Wear Shop

Our St Theresa Spirit Wear shop is opened for a limited time throughout the year. Check back for details on our next open window or contact the HSA for more information.


Please pay attention to ADULT vs. YOUTH sizes when ordering. 

Uniform Policy Details

Issues of equality, health, safety, and expense are factors that contribute to the establishment of Saint Theresa’s School Dress Code. The following school uniform policy will be strictly enforced at Saint Theresa School eective September 2023. Outlined below are the specic articles that make up the school uniform. Students are expected to wear uniforms to and from school each day. Gym uniforms should be worn for the entirety of the school day on gym days. Students will not be allowed to change clothes while at school or during after-school care (with the exception of St. Theresa student athletes attending after-school sports practices). It is the responsibility of the student to maintain his or her uniform.

The traditions of a Catholic education provide a standard for our students, which foster an environment conducive to learning, respective behavior, and school pride. All students are expected to wear their uniforms in a manner that exemplies this pride. Parents are expected to be the primary monitors of the uniform policy, and to help us by ensuring their child is in appropriate uniform each day. All teachers and the principal will address any noncompliance issues with the uniforms.

Click here for a full list of uniform guidelines



55 Rosemond Terrace     |     Trumbull, CT 06611      |     (203) 268-3236     |

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